After I left Hobby Lobby the other day(I was going to use my 40% coupon for yet another goodie for the garden)I find that yard aisle is gone,and in it's place Christmas is going up!!! I had to think about how many months we have until the season is even near.This is early July,and as far as I know it is still in Dec. Soooo,do the math,this is getting rediculous,I will NOT think about it till at least Oct. I did not look,nor do I plan to,I'm still working on the YARD,people.... get a grip on the commercialism.
When I lived in Alaska,there was a time when I did relish the thought of Christmas earlier,but it snowed there .A lot. In Sept. even. And the days got shorter,it just lent to the early holiday episodes,you know,where you think about the tree,what you'll do with it this year,when you see the long aisles of decorations and stuff.And ,up there,back then ,you didn't have the choices you do in the lower 48,so you did need to be more diligent on hunting down new stuff that you really don't need,but heck,it's Christmas!