To help with my constant procrastination,I have found a website called . It tracks your goals and you can see others goals too. Here's mine,
Such a list might be a help for some, I figure it can't hurt at this point.Maybe just have too much on the plate as it is... reading some other peoples lists,I find that I'm not alone in procrastinating,woohoo! You can cheer others goals,and send comments,I have a cheer for quitting smoking so far. One of my daughter's goals is to live closer to me, cheered that for sure! I miss getting to see her,we play Scrabble on email,another cool site is: But it's not the same as when we play in person,with her friends when I go see her. When I go to Seattle,I get to ride Ferries, I love em! Seattle is a great place to visit,but too busy for me to live there,I couldn't afford to live away from the city and commute...