Well, the snow is gone,the felled tree branches cut up and hauled off,and work is picking up. That said,I am grateful to have made it through this winter,it was a hard one for me,one of the few times I wished there was somebody to talk to at night,or in the mornings.... if you have someone ,take care to treat them kindly,and tell them you love them,you never know when the chance will be taken away from you.
I just watched Grey Gardens, and i have to say I am telling my daughter to never let us end up like that... how sad it was,the movie was good,but the story was so sad...
Jessica Lange,and Drew Barrymore did a great job,I wondered how they made them look so old.
As I am only 55 at this time, I can still see how people get to that stage,recently,my daughter went through a rough time,and I offered her home here,but I have to say,I am so glad she is sticking it out where she is.Not because I didn't want her home, I just want her to make her own place in the world,and be happy with herself,and moving home wouldn't have done that.I know there are times it has to be,but then there are times it's more of a learning life's lessons not to,and this was one of them. Eli is a smart ,wonderful young woman,and I know she will get it right in the end. I say prayers for her,and hope it comes to pass,the time will come soon enough for her to worry about me,and I want her to have a life before that day comes...
I hope all of you that read this will beat your demons too,and I have one left,damn cigarettes!